List of hymns in the League of Lay Centers hymnal

A listing of the hymns in the Service and Hymn Book for the Unitarian League of Lay Centers, by incipit and by section. The hymns themselves are unnumbered; the number is the page. (Nearly all are one page long and no more than one hymn is on one page.)

I’ve also outlined the book’s liturgical offerings.

61. Let the whole creation cry
62. Be thou, O God, exalted high!
63. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
64. Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings
65. Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh
66. Sovereign and transforming grace
67. To thine eternal arms, O God
68. Father, again to Thy dear name we raise
69. We praise Thee, Lord, with earliest morning ray
70. Thou Lord of Hosts, whose guiding hand
71. Come, Thou Almighty King!
72. Thou, whose almighty word
73. O Thou who hast Thy servants taught
74. This is the day of light!
75. O God, whose presence glows in all
76. Gracious Spirit, Love devine
77. Out of the dark the circling fear
78. Father of me and all mankind
79. Shine on our souls, eternal God
80. Return, my soul, unto thy rest
81. Mysterious Presence, Source of all
82. By cool Siloam’s shady rill

Worship and Service
83. Nearer, my God, to Thee
85. Wenn Thy heart, with joy o’erflowing
86. Life of Ages, richly poured
87. Eternal and immortal King!
88. God is love; His mercy brightens
89. Lord of all being! throned afar
90. Father, in Thy mysterious presence kneeling
91. Send down Thy truth, O God!
92. O everlasting Light!
93. As pants the weary heart for cooling springs
94. Awake, our souls; away, our fears
95. O God, I thank Thee for each sight
96. Abide in me; o’ershadow by Thy love
97. O God, beneath Thy guiding hand
98. O Thou, whose perfect goodness crowns
99. Glorious things of Thee are spoken
100. O Thou, in whom we live and move
101. Our Father! while our hearts unlearn
102. Let my life be hid in Thee
103. O Love Divine, Whose constant beam
104. One holy Church of God appears
105. Wherever through the ages rise
106. The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know
107. O Spirit of the living God
108. Father of eternal grace
109. Oh, sometimes gleams upon our sight
110. Spirit of grace and health and power
111. O Blessed life! the heart at rest
112. Awake, my soul; stretch every nerve

113. Calm, on the listening ear of night
114. O Prophet souls of all the years
115. O Thou great Friend to all the sons of men

116. Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
117. Now, on land and sea descending
118. Abide with me! fast falls the eventide
119. Our day of praise is done
120. Softly now the light of day
121. Abide with me from morn till eve
122. Teach me, my God and King
123. Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing

One Reply to “List of hymns in the League of Lay Centers hymnal”

  1. Nice. My vote for most delightful hymn title of the group would have to be “By cool Siloam’s shady rill.” I just love me a shady rill. This is new to me, but the internet reveals all! (Well, a lot.)

    By cool Siloam’s shady rill
    How fair the lily grows!
    How sweet the breath, beneath the hill,
    Of Sharon’s dewy rose!

    In a rather straightforward melody, it goes on to be more than a nature hymn, in that our transient life is redeemed by Jesus.

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