Lay pastors and their training

This would be “If I were planting . . . . VI” but it is time to call a thing by its name.

If there are going to be more Unitarian or Universalist (or both) Christian churches, some are going to be too small, too poor, or too remote to call a minister in fellowship. Some, if not most, will have to raise up one of their own for service. (I distinguish the traditions because when speaking of them in terms of Christianity, they really have different meanings.)

Of course, this is probably true for new churches in the UUA whatever the theological background, if we got down to encouraging churches of different sizes for differing populations.

Earlier, I mentioned the old Universalist licentiate. But that implies some kind of credentialing and training, and I don’t see clear models in-house for that, Leadership School notwithstanding. (This is an exception and not quite what I’m getting at; as you can see from the bottom of the page, I’ve been interested in this for a while.) It is worth surveying the ecumenical neighborhood for ideas.

Like the Presbyterians (USA) and their Commissioned Lay Pastors or perhaps the American Baptists, who have a patchwork (it seems) of lay ministry training opportunities. (Like this in Michigan.)

Then there is the Lay Ministry Training Program of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, though there’s little detail on their website.

Have you seen others?

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