I’ve been catching up today on my church reading, which, I’m afraid to say, I’ve let go for a while. I was within a single push of finishing two books, now done, and I can recommend both:
- God for Us: the Trinity and Christian Life by Catherine Mowry LaCugna. (1991, HarperSanFrancisco)
- Transforming Congregational Culture by Anthony B. Robinson (2003, Eerdmans)
The last chapter of the latter book makes many reference to another book (half-way done; begun yesterday) I have found very helpful.
- Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Leading by Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linsky (2002, Harvard Business School Press).
-For your Trinitarian reading I would recomend DEPTH OF THE RICHES; A TRINITARIAN VIEW OF RELIGIOUS ENDS by Mark Heim. It is a fascinating look at Trinitarian theology and pluralism.