Google search: new self-sufficient church

A quick Google search of the following words {new self-sufficient church} came up with a number of interesting links for those Unitarian Universalists interested in church growth.

A sampling:

  • From the Reformed Church in America:
    New Church Development Manual: An Introduction


    The reasons why New Church Development is effective in reaching the unchurched are many. They include:

    1. New churches provide more opportunities for people to become involved.
    2. New churches provide more opportunities for people to be in leadership.
    3. New churches emphasize knowing one another and creating an atmosphere of belonging.
    4. New churches are creating new traditions rather than explaining or upholding previous traditions.
    5. New churches understand that to survive they need to reach out to new people. Thus evangelism is not an option but a part of who they are.

  • The Mennonite Church Manitoba has a set of stated expectations and a stated formula for financial aid for new congregations. It fits on one smallist webpage, and can be downloaded.

  • From the Georgia Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
    A Case for New Disciple Congregations in Georgia


    Starting new congregations that are able to quickly become vital, healthy and self-sufficient requires a substantial financial investment. Adequate funding of a new church start, making the necessary investment in pastors, people and programs with the intention of the new church quickly becoming vital, self-sustaining and reproducible, requires approximately $250,000 over a three-year period.

    However, sowing dollars around the region will not necessarily grow churches. Capable, gifted leaders need to be identified and trained. New churches need gifted and equipped persons not only to serve as pastoral leaders, but also to serve in other leadership roles, even as members on loan to a new congregation. The Atlanta United Divinity Center offers an outstanding opportunity to train these leaders who have the gifts and the passion for church planting.

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