OK: this should be it

With 955 congregations certified, with 152,017 members, the UUA grew by 97 members.

Of the silent, stagnant middle I mentioned earlier: the correct numbers are:

  • 53 shrank by 2% or less.
  • 70 grew by 2% or less
  • 114 reported exactly the same numbers as last year.

I have/shall make a few interlined corrections from by last report. Otherwise, it stands.

I’ll pull the 2003 certification numbers forward and make an analysis later. And I’ll move on to my next project. Until then, the “big winners” are . . .

  • Greatest numberical growth. All Souls Church, Unitarian, Washington. 107 new members. (runner up: First Universalist Church, Minneapolis. 79 new members.)
  • Greatest percentage growth by a tiny church. (under 35 members) Gaia Community, Kansas City (21 to 34 members): 61.9%
  • Greatest percentage growth by a small church. (35-100 members) Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Franklin, New Hampshire (37 to 56 members): 42.5%
  • Greatest percentage growth by a medium-sized church. (101-550 members) Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Bayside, California (146 to 189 members): 29.5%
  • Greatest percentage growth by a large church. (above 550 members) First Unitarian Universalist Church, Columbus, Ohio (568 to 645 members): 13.6%

These distinctions are largely a reflection of how the UUA breaks down, plus certain administrative distinctions. Have a better break-down? Let me know. Those churches that didn’t certify in 2003, and federated churches (because of their somewhat artificial membership breakdown) aren’t eligible.

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