Better, easier church websites

I’ve been building websites since 1995, and have learned a lot in that time. Some standards have improved, and changed. Often, ugly and bloated commercial uses have crept into not-for-profits sites: end-users be damned. Also, Unitarian Universalists, who were at the forefront of congregational websites seem to be resting on their laurels. Pioneering sites grow mouldy, and links degrade.

A better, easier to maintain soution is needed. I think bloging software, and especially MovableType, can offer the site management most people need. It is also the software that powers this blog.

Becuase a lot of bloggers use MovableType (MT), there’s a reasonable chance you can find someone in or near your congregation to run your site on MT, or guide someone who dones’t know. It isn’t perfect for building a church website, but it is accepable, inexpensive, and, if you use a standard MT template, dead easy to maintain. (Unlike this blog – my own custom job – that has been giving me fits this week.)

Also, book mark Optimizing your MovableType blog for Google for later use. I’ve followed the author’s advise, and you see from the helpful individual entry URLs. Hat tip to Darren for the link.

2 Replies to “Better, easier church websites”

  1. Hi Scott, How can I get a copy of the 1894 universalist book of common prayer?

  2. Yes, we Pagans DO know what it’s all about!! *snicker*

    Detest “Spirit of Life?” Had to giggle at that one. It’s popular in our church. Many people even do it in American Sign. *grin*

    I left the URL to my blog – hopefully it won’t prove boring to you. Or too racy, in some parts.

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