Gospel Liturgy's Friday Morning

Blessed Father, in whom is the well-spring of all our joys: Day unto day uttereth speech of Thine; night unto night showeth knowledge of Thee. We close our eyes under Thy protection: we open them to behold Thy goodness. O let us never forget from whom all blessings flow; and may gratitude for Thy favors be exalted in devotional trust.

Thou art the Father of Mercies, and only in Thee can we find what we need, to awaken our best powers, and to satisfy our spiritual longings. Thou art the Fountain of living waters, and apart from Thee there is no life nor refreshment to the soul.

Enable us, O Lord, to grow daily in knowledge of Thy truth and grace, that we may press on to higher victories over the world, and over ourselves. Direct us, we beseech Thee, in all our endeavors, and mercifully bring us to Thyself, through the paths of pleasantness and peace.

¶ All unite in the Lord’s Prayer. ¶ Scripture lesson. ¶ One of the Prayers on pages 60-62.

  • Gospel Liturgy, p. 144.

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