Gospel Liturgy's Saturday morning

Note: this would be a good prayer for a funeral, perhaps matching the Saturday when Jesus was in the grave.

Evermore, O Lord, hast thou made the outgoings of the morning to rejoice; yet day follows day into darkness, and night after night passes away for ever. Friend after friend departs into Thine invisible presence, and we are left among the living and visible things of the earth, for a purpose to be fully satisfied hereafter.

Merciful Father, prepare us by Thy grace for the fulfilment of Thy wise design. And grant that in the fleeting show of tiem and sense, we may so number our days as to apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Enable us, O Lord, to set Thee always before our eyes, and to discern Thee in all Thy wonderful ways. In the midst of our busiest pursuits and of our best enjoyments, we may remember that we are strangers and pilgrims in the earth; and while we look for the better country, may we so use the world as not abusing either it or ourselves. Walking trustfully, may we devote the strength and length of our days to the highest service, and peacefully pass into the heavenly rest.

¶ All unite in the Lord’s Prayer. ¶ Scripture lesson. ¶ One of the Prayers on pages 60-62.

  • Gospel Liturgy, p. 145.

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