Gospel Liturgy's Tuesday morning

With the light of another morning, we lift our souls unto Thee, O Lord, in grateful acknowledgement of that mercy which is Israel’s keeper, and which never slumbers nor sleeps. We rejoice in the renewal or the day, and desire to consecrate ourselves anew to Thy service, that we may show forth the praises of him who hath called us out of darkness into marvellous light.

Help us to feel the need to watchfulness and prayer, in the sitting scenes of a busy world. Suffer us not to slumber at the post of duty, lest we sleep in sin. May our virtue be the courage of our faith, our cheerfulness the patience of hope, our example the life of charity.

So shall the day testify a conscience void of offence toward man, and toward Thee; and when we lie down in the evening, we shall not be afraid – and our sleep shal be sweet.

¶ All unite in the Lord’s Prayer. ¶ Scripture lesson. ¶ One of the Prayers on pages 60-62.

  • Gospel Liturgy, p. 143.

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