This is the roster of Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship events at General Assembly, mirrored here so that more people will see it. Wish I were going, gang, but I’ll see y’all next year.

Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship
Schedule of Events for General Assembly 2004
June 24-28, 2004 in Long Beach, CA

Jesus in the 21st Century: Lecture by Rev. Erik Walker Wikstrom

Author of the new Skinner House Book, “Teacher, Guide, Companion: Rediscovering Jesus in A Secular World” and UU World Cover Article.
Panel Responding: Revs. Earl Holt, Kathleen Rolenz, Peter Boullata
Saturday, June 26, 5 to 6:15 p.m., Room 104B
repeating on Sunday, June 27, 2 to 3:15 p.m., Room 104B with different panel respondents

UUCF Annual Meeting, Dinner, Hymn Sing

Saturday, June 26, 6:45 to 8:15 p.m.
close by at First Congregational Church, 241 Cedar Ave. downtown
come by UUCF booth for directions or to go with a group

We will have an Italian Bistro banquet (no waiting in long lines at restaurants that evening) with words of welcome by the minister of the host church, a program during dinner, our celebrated hymn sing and the Annual Meeting to elect officers and approve the budget.

The First Congregational Church (UCC) in downtown Long Beach is one of the finest examples of Florentine Renaissance architecture in Southern California. The church building was dedicated in 1914 and declared an historical landmark in 1979. In late 2003, the church completed its new Pilgrim Hall, where the UUCF dinner meeting is being held. The new building was recently honored by the Long Beach Heritage historical society with its prestigious Preservation Award for outstanding architectural achievement and compatability with the existing historic church structures. On hand to welcome the UUCF group will be the church’s senior minister, Dr. Jerry Stinson, a noted social activist and proponent of liberal interfaith theology.

Cost for the Banquet is $25. Please make reservations by June 16 to Rev. Ron Robinson at RevRonRobinson@aol.com or 918-274-0105 or Kim Hampton at magnolia_lilly@yahoo.com or Barb Perry at barbperry318@netzero.net. We can add people after that, but we need a good headcount by then. Invite Colleagues, Friends, Family to come with you.

UUCF Communion Service Open To All

Led by Revs. Parisa Parsa, Ned Wight, Robert Jordan Ross
Sermon by Rev. Parsa: “Givin’ It Up For God”
A UU Christian with Muslim heritage explores Abraham’s faith for these times
Sunday, June 27, 8:30 to 9:45 p.m. Room 204

Magi Network Presentations

“The Great Commission is for UU Christians Too”

Saturday, June 26, 1;30 to 2:45 p.m. Room 103C
“UU Christian Congregations in the Postmodern World”
Sunday, 4:45 to 6 p.m. Room 102C

Come by the UUCF Display Booth for Conversation, Information on small group events within GA, Free Material, Questions. We are working on booksignings, on hospitality at the booth and elsewhere, small groups meeting throughout the GA experience for UU Christians and Jesus-followers, lunch with seminarians, ministers, UUCF newcomers, and more.

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