Somehow Philocrites had a moment to post this in an earlier entry’s comments section:
You’ll be happy to know, Scott, that a toast was made in your honor over dinner this evening by H.P., T.S., P.B., J.B.-S., E.K.H., and myself. You may amuse yourself by figuring out the owners of these initials…
Well, that made my day. I hadn’t wanted to be in Long Beach until now, and having been to my share of GAs, know it was probably for the best (money and time) that I wasn’t. Still, I have an even warmer place in my heart for K.E., M.E., R.A., F.Z.L., L.T., and S.N.
Oh, those are the same people as above, in Hymns of the Spirt code. I’m sure one or more of the persons above know it. Thanks y’all. Hope to be there next year.