Happy All Saints Day!
Nothing very exciting on the stats front. 2079 unique visitors, which is more than last month. RSS feed use is going up notably.
“Boy bands” is the number one search phrase that gets people here, but at least six were looking for “Scott Wells Universalist” so thanks to all my adoring fans.
Other fun (but off message) searches include:
- alternative flash animation for the emerging church
- pastorless churches in dallas (looking for a call?)
- a sermon using pathos and making congregation cry (no comment)
- stats on the number of teens killed each year due to smoking related illness (too many; stop smoking right now)
- organizational flow chart for dunkin donuts (inward, then hover around the middle forever.)
- it´s a boy marshmallow (how can you tell?)
My postings on turkey roasters and Chinatown buses continue to draw interest.
Add, too, references to at least ten living colleagues, several dead Universalist ministers (including some very obscure ones), two former parishoners, the a flurry of concern about Rockwell Universalist Church (Winder, Georgia) and more interest in James Relly’s Union than I thought possible.
But nothing about George Bush or John Kerry. And yes, I want Kerry to win. (What I want the president to inherit runs counter to the professions of a Universalist Christian, so I’ll have to pray about that.)
Scott, darling, you mentioned RSS feed use going up notably in this post. However, I must be missing something. I’ve looked all over the page for something resembling “syndicate this site”, and cannot find a feed URL so I can fix the boyinthebands LJ feed. If you’ll tell me the right address, I’ll update it accordingly. 🙂