Unitarians get creed

Now that I have your attention . . . .

One of my Christmas presents was Jaroslav Pelikan’s Credo: Historical and Theological Guide the Creeds and Confessions in the Christian Tradition. I am just now getting around to reading it.

It is an overview of the multivolume Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition, and because I couldn’t possibly afford it, a replacement. Together, they are a successor to Philip Schaff’s 1877 Creeds of Christendom.

There is a nice reference to the Universalist Winchester Profession of 1803, dubbed The Winchester [Universalist] Profession, 1803 (also correct) in Pelikan.

But, what the . . . There is also a reference to The Washington Profession of the Unitarian General Convention, 1935. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. That’s Universalist, too, of course.

Why is one correct, and the other wrong? The Winchester was featured in Schaff, but the Washington didn’t exist yet in 1877. (Neither did the 1899 “Five Principles” which are overlooked, but I can hardly compain about having two profession in the book.)

Someone’s fact-checker needs a talking-to.

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