So, what kind of blogger am I and what kind of blog is this? Please excuse the navel gazing (ooh, lint) but the recent Boston picnic seemed to concern blog issues, and the blogosphere seems to be at a jumping-off point where it can stand as medium and a resource. But we need more well-committed churchly bloggers, better resources in the technology, and better connections. (I saw on the news the other day that half of all bloggers are minors.)
This blog, for what its worth is coming into its own. It turns two years old on May 22, and since February 28, 2004 (when I changed servers) have welcomed about 34,000 visitors. It is settling into a resource for Universalism, but more generally into church administration and helps. Also commentary about the Unitarian Universalist Assocation. This will never claim a large audience, but there are other people to write (and write well) about politics and pop culture. Nevertheless, I’ve tried to keep a high output and making links to non-Unitarian Universalist writers (and to a smaller degree, non-Christian Unitarian Universalists.)
Firefox usage seems to be up; so do RSS feeds though “live” contact are the most common. People still want “church for sale” and “list of boy bands” but the on-target requests are broadening as content mounts.
And if I had one request is that you, fellow bloggers, turn on your trackback facilities if you have them. The blogosphere can only grow if we have a place to hang our ideas and link them home.
You might give your fellow bloggers instructions on how to implement a feature that mystifies most of them in the relevant Coffee Hour resource forums. Although I think I have entries set up to be automatically pinged by other Movable Type blogs, I have no idea whether Movable Type automatically pings Word Press sites, for example.
Mostly it concerned hamburgers.
But we talked about blog issues, too.