Marti Keller jumps in

Actually, the Rev. Marti Keller has had a blog and an affiliated website for some time, but thanks to Philocrites for pointing it out.

As I would expect of her, it is quite well written and I look forward to reading the back posts, online sermons, and all the nooks and crannies. She was a part of the north Georgia collegial tribe back when I was at my old church in Canon, Ga. — a local collegiality I sorely miss — and remember her as someone who treated me with respect, even though I was obviously a bit of a curiosity, and have never been known as being loose or easygoing. (You try and be 6′ 4″ and an ENTJ and pass for loose and easygoing.)

Good people she is, with a good mind perfect for thoughtful blogging.

The Writings of Rev. Marti Keller

Read it.

3 Replies to “Marti Keller jumps in”

  1. Alas, she doesn’t have RSS enabled, thought Blogspot offers it. I make LiveJournal feeds from RSS feeds for keeping up with my favorite bloggers, the majority of them religious, and believe that it helps spread the Good News.

  2. I did know Scott well as a colleague in Georgia, in fact he tutored me on Universalism for my fellowshipping “exam” to be a UU minister. We enjoyed each other very much– even while I am a full foot and more shorter.

    Thanks for the kind words.

    Faithfully, Marti

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