Posted on January 1, 2006 by Scott WellsComments should work, I think I think I fixed the commenting problem. (I wondered why so few were commenting.) Jaume and Steven, please check again.
test gee, this looks just like the old “leave a reply” – and after I already got a wordpress password? (and yes i ate blackeyed peas, greens, and hamhocks for dinner today)
Well, you’ll be rewarded for your perserverence. How, I’m not sure. Perhaps this is a case where God provides. I had peas and greens last night — at the one Picadilly’s in the DC area no less — but none today! I’m doomed!
Yes, the “Leave a Reply” fields are showing OK with Firefox. Thanks for working on this, Scott, and happy New Year.
gee, this looks just like the old “leave a reply” – and after I already got a wordpress password?
(and yes i ate blackeyed peas, greens, and hamhocks for dinner today)
Well, you’ll be rewarded for your perserverence. How, I’m not sure. Perhaps this is a case where God provides.
I had peas and greens last night — at the one Picadilly’s in the DC area no less — but none today! I’m doomed!
Yes, the “Leave a Reply” fields are showing OK with Firefox. Thanks for working on this, Scott, and happy New Year.