Help wanted!

I got this CrossLeft request. Do it!

Seminarians! Enthusiastic volunteers! Readers of CrossLeft! Christians fed up with Pat Robertson!
Do you have any experience with writing, publishing, or advertising?, a hub for Progressive Christian networking and activism, needs a Press Director. Like all of our jobs at CrossLeft, this on doesn’t come with any money (yet), and its hours are flexible to the needs of dissertating-writing grad students, thoughtful seminarians, working mothers, stay-at-home moms, retirees, real live preachers, OR full-time paid careerists. What we need is someone whose passion is the movement and whose calling is to communicate clearly, coherently, and persuasively with the press. Progressive Christians are sick of reading in the newspaper that Pat Robertson’s calls for hurricanes represents the majority of Christian opinion. CrossLeft is determined to get out our own speakers — young, geographically and ethnically diverse Christian voices, and experienced older voices not yet heard in the media.

We need a volunteer to help us write press releases and stay in touch with journalists. If interested, please contact jo [at] crossleft [period] org. Other volunteer opportunities are listed at

Got a Progressive Christian organization that needs volunteers, interns, or paid staff? Post your own opportunities at !

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