Are there any Unitarian Universalists using IRC (Internet Relay Chat) for meetings or anything church-related?
3 Replies to “IRC?”
Not IRC specifically, but online chat rooms, yes.
The Young Adult and Campus Ministry Professionals Seminars put on by the UUA YA/CM Office have used online chat for some of its meetings, and I’m setting up an online chat system for the Heartland YA/CM groups to have meeetings in.
The backend of the one I’m creating IS IRC based actually. Many people are not comfortable with that kind of environment however, so I’m using a Java client as the front end, and still allowing IRC client access (since I use BitchX )
Hey, I’m trying to set something up for my own youth group…
we all login to aim and i’m sick of having 1on1 convo’s with people
i want to set up some kinda chat room 4 us all to just chill…..
(and i’m the webmaster on the jpd-ysc)
who should probobly not be typing as though he just got home from a long day at school…..
but i shall
l8r do respond to flameinthecupTHISSENTENCEISTOPREVENTSPAMREMOVEIT(at)gmail(dot)com
Not IRC specifically, but online chat rooms, yes.
The Young Adult and Campus Ministry Professionals Seminars put on by the UUA YA/CM Office have used online chat for some of its meetings, and I’m setting up an online chat system for the Heartland YA/CM groups to have meeetings in.
The backend of the one I’m creating IS IRC based actually. Many people are not comfortable with that kind of environment however, so I’m using a Java client as the front end, and still allowing IRC client access (since I use BitchX )
Hey, I’m trying to set something up for my own youth group…
we all login to aim and i’m sick of having 1on1 convo’s with people
i want to set up some kinda chat room 4 us all to just chill…..
(and i’m the webmaster on the jpd-ysc)
who should probobly not be typing as though he just got home from a long day at school…..
but i shall
l8r do respond to flameinthecupTHISSENTENCEISTOPREVENTSPAMREMOVEIT(at)gmail(dot)com