I like credit unions, the cooperative principle applied to financial institutions.
The District of Columbia is filled with credit unions, but none that were as plainly for city residents as the one I had left in Athens, Georgia. How could that be? It seemed to be a case where the “Federal City” moniker fit because nearly all the credit unions were meant for employees this department or branch of the government or another.
I could join a credit union through my employer’s human resources firm, but it is based in Texas, which is no better than the one I kept in Georgia.
I could join Hubby’s workplace credit union, but its office is behind the front security desk, so I could never see a clerk! (Plus, its corporate office is a two hours’ drive into Virginia, a commonwealth I try not to do business in.) And neither of these speak to a community basis of credit union membership
But there is an option. Turns out the HEW (for the former Health, Education and Welfare Department) and Treasury Department employee credit unions each let those who live, work, study or worship in the District of Columbia become members. I’m prone to join one — not sure which yet.
Scott – In places where I could not join a credit union, I’ve tended to move my money over to small community banks (like Columbia Savings Bank in Cincinnati, or the Union Savings and Loan Association of Greenfield). Service was better, and money is often re-invested locally. Banking laws vary by state. I found community banks most abundant in Ohio, and rare in Michigan.
Sees the Agriculture FCU also functions as a DC community credit union. http://www.agriculturefcu.org/about/join.html