More typefaces to consider

This is for you, PeaceBang.

I use the typefaces released under a liberal license by Bitstream, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, almost every day. These include the Bitstream Vera family (look past the Mono series for church pubs) and Bitstream Charter. All are robust enough to stand up to laser printer and photocopying, which would shatter the details more delicate faces.
They don’t include the true small caps and oldstyle numerals, but I liked Charter so much that I bought a supplemental set of these for $25.

Wikipedia article on Bitstream Vera, showing examples

Gnome project page about Bitstream Vera with background infomation, download links, and the license

Images of Bitstream Charter with links to where you would buy it

But download it for free here.

I also wrote about Gentium two years ago, and it might even be better.

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