UCC blogs

I’ve been looking for United Church of Christ-member blogs, but have found very few. Far fewer than blogs written by Unitarian Universalists, despite the UCC being at least ten times larger.

Many people refer to the UCC in their blogs — right-wingers take particular delight in carping on every action; some attention comes from the various ad campaigns — but the voices of the members, especially known-to-be-UCC lay members, is almost absent.

Now why is that?

5 Replies to “UCC blogs”

  1. Well, since I now have experienced both the UU and the UCC blogosphere, I can definitely say that there seem to be fewer UCC bloggers who identify as such. The ones I follow are
    Chuck Currie
    Pastor Dan
    RevKirk (http://revkirk.blogspot.com/)
    Religious liberal

    There is also fellow PSR seminarian, Matthew Davis Fox (http://anothervoicemdf.livejournal.com/) actually, he graduated, so he’s no longer a seminarian

    And there is me. 🙂

    I do also keep a technorati search for “UCC” in my blogroll, and there seem to be a few conservative UCC folk blogging as well. I haven’t gotten around to really reading them, though.

    I think that it is indeed possible that UCC folks are less likely to identify themselves as such. I don’t know. But I think the per-capita rate of UU bloggers is much, much higher than UCC bloggers.

  2. I did think of you Michelle, and read you with each of the ones you mention and others besides, except Pastor Dan, and I’ll add him to my feed reader next.

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