For sale: "European Perspectives on Communion"

About five years ago, I got a small cache of the then brand-new book European Perspectives on Communion because there was at that time no convenient way to order them from Northern Ireland. A pair of NSPCI ministers were visiting the area and they agreed to bring some along. We were going to meet but I had to cancel the lunch date — on September 11, 2001 — and they were nice enough to mail them to me while they were still here. All by way of saying that I never exhausted my supply.

I have six left and they make a fine addition to any Unitarian Universalist liturgical library, Christians especially of course.

Email me at to reserve a copy; I’m trying to get the PayPal thing worked out. I’m charging $8 per copy, plus $1.50 postage if you’re within the US.

European Perspectives on Communion coverEUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNION
Edited by David Steers. Ulster Unitarian Christian Association for the European Liberal Protestant Network, 2001. 72 pp.

  • Holy Communion in the Remonstrant Brotherhood: Eric Cossee
  • Communion in the Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland: David Steers & Tom Banham
  • Christian Thanksgiving in the British Unitarian Tradition: Andrew Hill
  • Communion Services in the Welsh speaking and non-Welsh speaking Unitarian Churches of Wales: Eric Jones
  • The Unitarian Meaning of the Lord’s Supper in Hungary: Jozsef Kaszoni
  • The Lord’s Supper in the Transylvanian Unitarian Church: Elek Rezi
  • Holy Communion and the French Liberal Association: Robert Serre
  • Holy Communion in liberal Protestantism in Germany: Andreas Rossler
  • The practice of the Lord’s Supper in the Reformed Church of Berne: Max Balsiger
  • A Sermon in Preparation for the Lord’s Supper: William McMillan
  • A Remonstrant Minister’s Reflections on the Lord’s Supper: Peronne Boddaert

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