UCC "E word" resource worth getting, emulating

Mock-euphemizing evangelism as “the E word” is a bit twee and a bit 1990s, but the point is well understood: the UCC has an evangelism toolkit to download offered with a wink. The UCC, like the UUA, has a cultural problem with evangelism and without sensitivity to that feeling it will never be overcome. I only wish it was larger, but it seems to be in active development.

You can use it online or download it and use it at home or the office, which is a help if you only have dial-up. But the download is a Windows executable. Rats! If you’re a non-novice Linux user, you can use WINE. It worked for me.

A nice touch is that the content comes as PDF file and may be distributed freely. (“Permission is granted to reproduce this article.” is on each one.)

This isn’t the only resource I’ve seen like this. The international Anglican The Mission to Seafarers has low-bandwidth version and that version can be kept and used onboard, where satellite Internet connectivity is very slow and expensive. Not that this will be of much use or interest to the non-mariners out there.

The UUA has a really nice suite of church administration resources; wouldn’t it be nice if they could be packaged for download and use.

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