Looking for a few volunteers to try out a conference call service

Well, not a conference call service exactly, but a cross between a self-administered conference and old-style three-way calling on vitamins. (Boy in the Bands is steroids-free.)  It is a product offered by my calling card service and I would like to give it a real workout before promoting it on this blog.  It is inexpensive and pre-paid, protecting against credit card shock.

It looks like the call organizer — who also pays for all the calls — sends email to those calling in, with a toll-free number and a passcode.  Up to five caller, apart from the organizer, can participate, but having been on a few conference calls that about all that can really be expected to participate.

I don’t know what the quality is, or if the organizer ends up with phone numbers or what. (If I do get phone numbers, I promise not to divulge them.)

This is where you come in. I’m looking for a Few Good Readers who would like to try a few minutes’ long call some evening next week. Anyone in the US is welcome to “sign up” for the call. I’ll use the email address you need to comment and please suggest some times that would work for you.

Cost-conscious church and independent affiliate administrators everywhere thank you.

4 Replies to “Looking for a few volunteers to try out a conference call service”

  1. Hey, if your call isn’t up to your standards, my company (ConferenceCalls.com) is currently offering free 300 minute audio and web conferencing trials. You can conference with up to 50 people, and soon we’ll be offering calls with unlimited participants.

    We’ll also be giving away free (honestly, free) 15 minute calling cards that can be used to call anywhere in the world, as well as free 300 minute global conferencing cards. We’d like to make sure that churches and other nonprofits get their share since their budgets are so tight. The offer isn’t quite available yet, but if you’d be interested (or know someone who would), feel free to drop me an email.

    Sorry to semi-advertise, but the cards really are free, no strings attached at all. Good luck on your call – I have some conference call tips in the blog I linked above as well.

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