UCC.org: an interim step

Later. I don’t see the furore at the UCC forum I’d expect if my denominational site was inaccessible; indeed, others just love it. (I have to turn off the style — see below — just to see the links to the forum. Perhaps others can’t comment.) In any case, I’ll withdraw my call to help. I’m sure they can take care of the problems themselves. I’ll just be over here, mystified.

If you can read this, but can’t get to UCC.org I’d like to help. Does anyone have information for Internet Explorer? (It’s been so long since I’ve used it seriously that I just don’t know.)

  1. If you have the Firefox or Opera browser, you can turn off the style.
    • In Firefox: View > Page Style > No style
    • In Opera: View > Style >User style.
  2. Turn off the Java.
    • In Firefox: Preference > Content > Enable Java
    • In Opera: Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Enable Java

“Congratulations” — you’re browser’s partying like it’s 1996. And you now have this gigantic list of navigation links.

But it should work.

And it might be a solution for everyday users with very poor connections.

That’s why I suggest Opera. Not only is it light, but it gives you a backup browser ’cause I know I like to use Java and style sheets. And Opera allows user style, the choice above. (Download it here.)

If you had a style sheet on your computer keyed to UCC.org, but simpler in style . . . .

Keep watching this space.

3 Replies to “UCC.org: an interim step”

  1. Just turn off JavaScript. It works pretty well. Turning off Java and styles is pointless.

  2. You’re right about Java — my interim response was to turn off anything that could interfere — and I planned to suggest an alternate style sheet through Opera if Those Who Can didn’t do anything for low-bandwidth users.

    Of course, Their solution was to, er, turn off the released style.

    Now, if I could turn on all the missing content . . . .

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