Playing hooky at GA (in 2001)

I went to General Assembly in Quebec City in 2001, and such a wonderful one it was:

  • The UU Enforcer and Mrs. Enforcer convinced me to get a pair of Doc Martens there and have worn them since.
  • PeaceBang and I had drinks in this wonderful courtyard.
  • I got to see one the UUA’s very special people in the flesh — yes, you’re still banned from this blog.

But it was GA, so I attended plenary sessions, workshops, worship and visited the exhibit hall. James Estes (Peregrinato) has gone back many times, prompting Hubby and me to vacation there a couple of years ago.

Al Brenner went too, but found it harder not to play hooky. You may download or watch his video log, YouTube style, at

5 Replies to “Playing hooky at GA (in 2001)”

  1. Me, too. That was undoubtedly the most fun GA — and Mrs P and I honeymooned there the next summer. Can’t wait to go again!

  2. It was also the GA where you introduced me to POUTAIN. I would only ever eat something like that with you.

    Wait … you met Assman of the North? Really? I hope to someday. He’s given me more attention than any man I’ve ever dated and I have a soft spot for that. I don’t think anyone else reads every word I write so carefully.

  3. PeaceBang, sweetie, it’s “poutine.”

    “Poutain” is, well, Something Else. Think drunk twentysomething starlets with no panties. You do NOT want to ask for one in a restaurant.

    I remember going into a fur store with PeaceBang and screaming at all the taxidermied animals staring out at us behind every rack.

    And the shocked fun of thousands of unwitting UUs singing along to the unofficial national anthem of Quebec. Viens t’en, mes amis, chantez! Et vive le Quebec libre!

  4. Whoops, I mean WATCHING thousands of unwitting UUs singing…

    And if you guys were really eating poutaine together…

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