This is continued from yesterday, and written during commercial breaks during the Tony’s. The Boy has his priorities.
I know this works for Verve Hosting accounts and something very similar applies to A2 hosting; it should work for any host that uses Cpanel. Log in.
Look to Advanced Tools, click Cron Jobs. Choose Standard experience.
I skipped over the email bit; if that’s something not to ignore and you know better, please comment.
Figure out where your wp-mail.php file is. Mine is at
; figure out yours, and look it up in your browser. You should get a message saying — I hope! — there aren’t any pieces of mail.
Click the image for a bigger version, to see how I set my <code>cron</code> job. Fill in, at the “command to run” box the following, with your URL in place of mine.
GET > /dev/null
Now select how often you want the job done. I chose every six hours for the point of this demonstration, but if you just turn it on when you’re out of town, you might like something more frequent, like hourly. Click the “save crontab” and log out. Give it a test, too.
If you’re post-to-email settings are otherwise correct, this should set you up.
Translation: if you have access to email but not a web browser — and I set up your blog — let me know and I’ll activate email-based blogging for you.