Ethically-sourced laptops: just finding vendors

Following up on Ms. Theologian’s comments about who really makes laptop computers (Surviving the Workday), I thought I would point out two sources. These really are the exception to the rule, and even these use foreign-made components, including those sourced from China. But at least you can email someone and get a straight answer.

  • Like at Union Built PC. This link is to a laptop noted as”Union Final Assembly in USA from domestic and foreign components by members of CWA Local 1101 or IBEW Local 17.” Those locals are in New York City and Southfield, Michigan. (Note: the locals sites may cause headaches and unpleasant questions about web design, particularly the former.)
  • One of the interns at Day Job showed me his laptop that he got from a “mom n’ pop” (and Christian, it seems) supplier of generic laptops — since they’re nearly all made in Asia anyway — and it had held up well, with good customer service. I’ll investigate them since at least you can identify your model with a real factory. They also sell laptops without an operating system, desirable for Linux users. Again, no points for web design, but you can’t have it all.

I’m getting the gruesome feeling that the best laptop, in the end, is no laptop. I mean, do I really need one this badly?

One Reply to “Ethically-sourced laptops: just finding vendors”

  1. Does anyone have a Union PC laptop & can say how well it runs?
    I’m considering purchase, but found no reviews…
    …found no idea about energy use, battery life, or durability.

    Really can’t find ANY computer maker I want to endorse,
    they all seem to torture their workers & trash the place.

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