Local buying guide for my neighborhood

Or close enough. New American Dream released the first in its series of Local Buying Guide geared for the kind of green and responsible shopping (without the consumerism) that speaks to a guy like me. And this first one covers the Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle and Foggy Bottom neighborhoods, which is good enough for me — I know Logan Circle, our neighborhood well enough — and doesn’t pretend to cover the whole city, which it doesn’t. I have a hard time getting excited about Starbucks, which they include, even if they do offer some green and fabulous coffee by request, but there are ideas and resources in it I haven’t thought of. Lastly, you can download it — no paper to keep up with.

Others are on the way: an odd mix of area, perhaps due to where they could get local teams. Good to see Nashville on the list and — of all places — Meadville, Pennsylvania, birthplace of a third of what’s now Meadville Lombard Theological School.

New American Dream: Buying Wisely

HT: “Going Green in DC”  (Treehugger)

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