GA 2007: last comments

Well, since its pretty common for minister-delegates to take vacation after General Assembly, I imagine we will be getting feedback about GA for weeks. If you have questions you’d like addressed, please ask them here.

I was grateful for the streaming media. Apart for the Service of the Living Tradition, which I assume was so popular that the demand outstripped the supply, the feeds were clear. Clearer and easier to understand than–in my prior experience–actually being in the hall. I also watched more of Plenary this year than any GA I actually attended.

And I was grateful I wasn’t there. 6,000 participants? What, bless their souls, were they doing? And for my own personal welfare: even though I’m an extrovert, that would just undo me.

It seems Open Space Technology didn’t draw big crowds. Special lectures did, including the Ware Lecture that had nothing to do with congregational life. How does that jive with the “all about the congregations” mandate?

I’ve made my opinion about having extended witness-as-floor-business while avoiding substantial about associational business (new church planting and ministerial debt to name two, again). Uncontested races also bother me.

Yet, I’ve already asked Hubby if he wants to go to Fort Lauderdale with me.

One Reply to “GA 2007: last comments”

  1. Thanks for the kind comments about the streaming. The GA web team aims to please!

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