Why blog when there's Doctor Who?

The first episode of the third season (new series) of Doctor Who — “Smith and Jones” — premieres on SciFi tonight and I’m watching it. Why blog?  What’s the Universalist significance?

It is set at a hospital — called Royal Hope but obviously (OK, maybe; like I know London that well) intended to be a variation of Guy’s Hospital in Southwark. And somewhere on or near the hospital campus was the old Maze Pond Burial Ground. Or is. I can’t find it.

And that’s where Universalist pioneer James Relly was buried.


5 Replies to “Why blog when there's Doctor Who?”

  1. Gah! Beat me to the Who blogging!

    I’m out of town ’til Tuesday and have to wait to get to my Tivo! Gah!

    (and I’ve been ever so good about not watching it through “alternative means” this season)

  2. Amen brother! The seasons just finished here. Two or three episodes I thought were not up to much, but the rest was top notch.

    We actually managed to have a late night viewing of the final episode at the conference I was at last weekend. I love the writing, and the casting. Have to wait for the Christmas special now, plus Torchwood in the autumn, but it’s not the same thing.

  3. As someone married married only just over a year I loved the “Runaway Bride” episode. It did not matter to Donna that she was on a space ship on the other side of the universe with a space alien. All that was important was that she was returned to Chiswick to get married! I laughed more because of her single-minded bridal obsession than I ever have at any Dr. Who episode. Hilarious.

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