I’ve been associated with any number of organizations where I wondered “what happened?” — particularly when it comes to a person to “loses interest” or “loses touch.” A geographic move aside, I can’t help think there’s sometimes much more to the story.
Thanks to C. Wess Daniels (Gathering in Light) who points out a site I’ve never seen: Letters from Leavers
And what they’re leaving is the church.
But this isn’t a free-for-all. See here for some (sensible I think) guidelines for letter writers.
I skimmed through “Letters From Leavers and was distressed to see that one of the posts is a thinly-disguised harangue against a former pastor and church leaders, including private correspondence from said pastor and elders. The site asks that no names be used but fails to monitor for anonymity so in this one case at least, it would be quite easy to identify the congregation. A good idea at first glance, but I left feeling that it was bad news.