Easter domain buying

I procured a domain that references one of my favorite biblical characters, or rather one of those characters whose presence (like Eutychus) only begs more questions.

Let me introduce (tentatively) theothermary.org — there’s no content there; indeed, I’ve not yet even pointed the nameservers to my host, but I’m pondering its use.

The reference, of course, is to the Resurrection narrative in Matthew 28: “After the sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb.” There were a lot of Marys; easy to lose count. Who was she? The only thing I can say for a fact was that she was there, which makes me of the particular role each of can play, whoever great or small, in a Christian vocation, and that in aggregate are surely more important than “the big names” who do so well (or do such harm.)

Ah, to cry, “He is risen!”

2 Replies to “Easter domain buying”

  1. I’ve always thought she was the other Mary present at the crucifixion (John 19:25), the one identified as “of Cleopas,” presumably his wife. I have a wonderful icon of the Road to Emmaus that shows Cleopas with the second disciple (not named in the Bible) being his wife, the two of them walking and eating with the risen Christ.

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