"A History of Universalism in North Carolina"

Today I received an unexpected parcel from Peggy Ward Rawheiser, a well-known figure in heritage Universalist circles: her new revision of the classic A History of Universalism in North Carolina. I’m quite pleased to receive it. (Thank you.)

At first I thought I would review it in full, but since it functions more like a sourcebook — and a big one; image a Unitarian Universalist Association directory — than a conventional secondary history, I’ll have to come up with a different mode of analysis.

Some will want a copy whatever I have to say, so I figure the least I can do now is leave behind ordering informtion:

A History of Universalism in North Carolina
c/o Guild Masters
P O Box 31184
Raleigh NC 27622-1184

The price is 24.95 plus 5.00 shipping and handling. Make checks payable to the Universalist Convention of North Carolina.

One Reply to “"A History of Universalism in North Carolina"”

  1. I read about it in the UU History list. I have some sentimental attachment to North Carolina because I travelled to the Triangle area several times between 1996 and 2001 due to Day Job reasons. I used to stay at the local Studio Plus apartments and I drove around often. At that time I also visited a few UU congregations in the area, particularly Eno River in Durham, at the time when A. Straube was the senior minister. Those were some good times for me in NC…

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