Not my best writing — lots of UUA certification live-blogging — but then again early 2004 was a pretty crummy time for me. I’ve looked at forming a new church, and as far as I’m concerned today, am glad I didn’t. Still, the project meant there were more enduring posts as the quarter went along.
Unitarian Universalism is . . . People
Saturday, January 31st, 2004
I’ll admit up front that I didn’t expect to like the generic radio spot for the new UUA “Uncommon Denomination” campaign and wasn’t disappointed. (”Uncommon Denomination” is a service mark of the Unitarian Universalist Association, which I’m sure upsets the marketing people at the United Methodist Church.)
Open source worship: emerging opportunities and problems
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2004
One of my emerging projects is getting my head (and arms) around what might honestly be called “generic Protestant worship.”
The best welcome to a small church?
Thursday, February 5th, 2004
Yesterday, in a fit of enthusiasm, I reviewed each website for United States Unitarian Universalist Association membership congregations thirty-five members and fewer, and those which are aspiring for membership, known as “emerging congregations.”
What questions do we need to ask of the Principles and Purposes?
Friday, February 6th, 2004
Unitarian Universalists by-and-large treat creeds like they were a form of mind-control.
Sermon: Universalism for Beginners (Universalism 101)
Saturday, February 7th, 2004
A good guide for church newsletters
Sunday, February 8th, 2004
While reviewing UUA independent affiliate organization websites, I found this little gem buried deep at Hope it helps.
“Uh, nice sermon, preacher”
Tuesday, February 10th, 2004
Are sermons (most of them anyway) a waste of time? a misuse of resources? a wrong-headed prioritization of effort?
Since I’ll be planting . . . II
Friday, February 13th, 2004
A friend has asked me, in light of the de-Christianization of Unitarianism and Universalism over the last couple of generations, what would keep a new Christian church Christian?
Best church website in the UUA?
Saturday, February 14th, 2004
I didn’t go back and view all the non-tiny UU churches to find the best larger-than-tiny UU church website, but I may have stumbled over it. (My opinion for best tiny UU church website.)
Facilities rules
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004
I made reference to some “rules of thumb” for space needs. I wanted to offer some resources speaking to that.
Polity, Christian churches, and joining the UUA
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004
The question of how a Christian church could join the UUA – and stay Christian over the long haul – has plagued me, given that only one new-start Christian church has joined the UUA since 1961.
Thoughts on Christian identity
Thursday, March 4th, 2004
Christian faith is transmitted through communities; every Christian alive today is thus an heir, even though the inheritance is a mixture of the Gospel, those traditions that explain and explore it, and miserable additions that have hurt the faithful and others in the world.
Prayer book blues (or, help decoding the text), part one
Wednesday, March 17th, 2004
There are Universalist prayer books, and there are Unitarian prayer books, and rumor has it the Episcopalians have one. One of the big problems with a prayerbook tradition, especially one that is in the margins, is that there is a learning gap between reading the printed text and having directions for the order of worship.
Prayer book blues (or, help using the space), part two
Wednesday, March 17th, 2004
The reality of debt
Thursday, March 18th, 2004
There’s an article in the Village Voice that’s getting links from bloggers all over. Thanks to My Irony, on whose blog I first saw it.
Is the M.Div. the only way to go?
Saturday, March 20th, 2004
In private discussions, off-blog, I have agree with others who insist we need well formed ministers, but I worry that the system we have sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t, and is always expensive.
Involuntary Simplicity
Monday, March 22nd, 2004
When I reviewed my statistics, I discovered the phrases that pulled in the most visitors is “voluntary simplicity.” Indeed, my denunciation of voluntary simplicity as a toy of white, middle class liberals is #30 in the search for “voluntary simplicity”!
I have been very interested in Voluntary Simplicity for 30 years and who has been active in living it for ten years. Back in the mid 90s I was Chairman of the Board of a Non-profit whose major goal was to attract more people to a VS lifestyle so we could minimize our environmental footprint. I must admit that we discovered that those who gravitate to it are white, middle class and liberal. Many of our meetings were in UU churches.
We tried to get younger people involved and tried to get minorities involved. But they were not interested for the most part. Young people are focused on their careers and getting more “stuff.” Minorities are somewhat the same and generally are not that comfortable in a study circle of white, middle class liberals. And, I would add that the percent of women was about 2:1.
Now, that said, does that mean that VS is wrong? Because there are few minorities interested in it does that mean it is a racist or elitist gathering? Of course not.