Not a lot of blogging that quarter — I think it might have been because I was getting settled into the then-Day Job — and only a few entries bear re-reading.
Friday, October 1st, 2004
Before Zoloft’s Depressed Marshmallow, there was Jot.
Growing up unchurched, my religious education was pretty well confined to the children’s television programming from the Lutherans, Davey and Goliath, and the Southern Baptists, Jot.
Back to reviewing UUA membership stats
Sunday, October 17th, 2004
Earlier this year, as congregations were getting certified for General Assembly, I organized a spreadsheet with each member-congregation’s stats. I came up with some very illuminating conclusions.
Reviewing three PDF download books
Sunday, October 24th, 2004
I am a strong believer in not reinventing the wheel, and a stronger believer in using resources that others provide free of charge if its “wheel” is as good as one sold.
Early Universalist witness in Virginia
Tuesday, October 26th, 2004
There were two witnesses to Virginia Universalist before and at the 1790 Philadelphia Universalist Convention; this remarkable since Virginia was a very thin spot in the history of Universalism.
Clericals watch, or “why bother?”
Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
Did anyone else stay up to see Morrissey on David Letterman? The show “ran late” and so all the fans got was a single from his none-too-new CD. But Hubby and I saw him recently in concert, and so of course we were going to catch a reprise. But a word about his costume.
Get Rowell’s article on British Universalism
Monday, November 22nd, 2004
I’ve been doing this Universalist thing for about fifteen years now, and Unitarianism before that. I’m pretty well versed on several of the major themes within Universalism — perhaps more so than most — but I’ve probably forgotten more than I’ve retained.
London’s bus campaign for Washington
Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
Bus-loving people will have already seen the London ‘My other car is a bus — new advertising campaign — I only wish I could get one of the bumper stickers!
That said: Washington’s buses could use some more practical help, especially with the capacity of the Metrorail system being stretched towards breaking.
IKEA’s pluralism and particularity lesson
Sunday, December 5th, 2004
Hubby and I went to the local IKEA for some meatballs and a little light shopping. Passing though the several sections, we were were greeted with signs wishing us a particular happy holiday, sometimes with a word of explanation of what the holiday was, or how it was celebrated.
Free, as in salvation
Saturday, December 4th, 2004
I was spending a bit of my Saturday morning looking for websites that offer worship material under the GNU Public Licence: a “copyleft” permission that’s been a engine behind the proliferation of open-source software.
Fabulous Christmas Eve service for a very small church
Saturday, December 25th, 2004
The 4pm Christmas Eve service at the Church of the Holy City (Swedenborgian) was quite a success. Those who measure these things by attendence numbers wouldn’t agree — there were thirteen of us in the church — but I’ve been to Christmas services big and small.
Ubuntu defined
Thursday, December 30th, 2004
I thought part of the problem was my new Linux distro, but now I fear it is a hardware problem. Looking for a new Linux distro to test my theory, I came across Ubuntu Linux. (Which I’ll wait for more mature versions.) From that, I discovered what ubuntu is.