Little wonder — seeing as I work for a government transparency organization — that I think ministerial colleague and blogger Joseph Santos-Lyons ( is correct about fund raising for the Unitarian Universalist Association presidential election campaign:
Are all donors revealed? Whats the timeline?
It gets back to influence, and as free people we deserve to know at least who has given more than, say, $200 to either candidate for his and her campaign.
And it would be reasonable I think to know monthly. They do that for elections here in Oregon, you can go online to the SOS office. Its actually quite nice. Not fancy though. There can’t be THAT many donations.
Is this typical for a UUA campaign? I can’t recall anything like this in over 20 years but then I never paid any attention before either. UUA simply wasn’t on my radar screen.
Here’s the UUA rule pertaining to campaign donations: Rule G-9.12.8. The disclosure requirements are:
In the internet era, those reports ought to be available online for inspection.