"Manuals of Faith and Duty"

A small reference tool. Links to Google Books for a charming little set of “golden age of Universalism” doctrinal pocket-books. This is copied from the book notice for #10,  so the missing #7 and #8 shows they weren’t printed in order.  [Later. Found #7.] [Later. Fixed for #8.]

Manuals of Faith and Duty
Edited by Rev. J. S. Cantwell, D.D.

A series of short books in exposition of prominent teachings of the Universalist Church, and moral and religious obligations of believers. They are prepared by writers selected for their ability to present in brief compass an instructive and helpful Manual on the subject undertaken. The volumes are affirmative and constructive in statement, avoiding controversy, while specifically unfolding doctrines.

The Manuals of Faith and Duty are sold at 25 cents each. Uniform in size, style, and price.

I. The Fatherhood of God. By Rev. John Coleman Adams, D.D., Brooklyn, N.Y.
II. Jesus The Christ. By S. Crane. D.D., Earlville, Ill.
III. Revelation. By Isaac Morgan Atwood, D.D., President of the Theological School, Canon, N.Y.
IV. Christ in the Life. By Rev. Warren S. Woodbridge, Medford, Mass.
V. Salvation. By Orello Cone, D.D., President of Buchtel College, Akron, O.
VI. The Birth from Above. By Rev. Charles Follen Lee, Boston, Mass.
VII. The Saviour of the World. By Rev. Charles Ellwood Nash, D.D., Brooklyn, N.Y. (book notice)
VIII. The Church. By Rev. Henry W. Rugg, D.D., Providence, R.I. (1891)
IX. Heaven. By Rev. George Sumner Weaver, D.D., Canton, N.Y.
X. Atonement. by Rev. William Tucker, D.D., Camden, O.
XI. Prayer. by Rev. George H. Deere, D.D., Riverside, Cal.

2 Replies to “"Manuals of Faith and Duty"”

  1. #10 was by the Rev. Dr. William Tucker of Camden, Ohio. I once served the last Universalist church in that same Ohio county. At the beginning of World War 1 Prebble County had 4 Universalist churches (Camden, Eaton, New Paris, Eldorado). By the end of World War 2 there were 2 churches (Eaton and Eldorado). Today there is only 1 (Eaton closed in the late 1950’s).

    The Camden church was a particullarly unstable critter. The Ohio Convention called it a church; and yes it had a small chapel building that some family donated. But today we would consider it more of a preaching station. There were years when there appears to be no membership. Some years it was officially inactive, only to be revived a few years later. This on-again off-again cycle repeated itself over and over again until the Ohio Convention finally sold the chapel to a Baptist group.

    What an odd settlement for William Tucker. I hope he was either circuit riding, or also working as a school teacher (common Universalist practices). Because I do not see how any minister could have survived solely on the Camden church’s support.

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