Bible marking tool from the Christian Scientists

While the Obamas went to services at St. John’s (Episcopal), Lafayette Square, Hubby and I went to Third Church of Christ, Scientist — a block north — for Easter services today. (Universalist tie-in: before they built this building, they owned the former Church of Our Father (Universalist), now demolished.)

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I’ll later write about a couple of nice features of the church and service (and perhaps a couple that aren’t so nice, but which are an entrenched part of their practice). Here’s a good one.

After the service — no coffee hour — we crossed their church complex plaza to visit the Reading Room. I noticed the attendant wiping out the markings in her Bible and copy of Science and Health with a cloth. I was intrigued.

Chalk pencil and refills
Chalk pencil and refills

Seems they use a chalk pencil, pictured. That’s the attendant’s; I got one, a Koh-I-Noor 48 thick-lead lead-holder, with specially sized blue chalk. Like the kind for a chalk line. For some paper, it leaves a slight mark. But for the kind of fine and India paper used for Bibles and hymnals (and Science and Health) it comes off cleanly. (It can, over time, accumulate on the edges.) They sold “cloth erasers”, too — small pieces of ultrasuede.

Bright-colored, handy, doesn’t groove a page like a pencil would. A thought for lectern readers of all denominations.

Now, I wonder about the metal bookmarks they use . . .

3 Replies to “Bible marking tool from the Christian Scientists”

  1. It seems to me that C.S. is not a bad choice for Easter. The last time I attended a C.S. church (Wed eve testimonial), I was delighted that we sang a hymn by Hosea Ballou fromthe C.S. hymnal—an experience I would not expect at a UU service.

    I agree that there are things about C.S. churches (and attitudes of members) that are not so nice, and look forward to your futher commentary.



  2. Jim,

    I stumbled across your posting after reading Mr. Wells’ posting awhile back. As a Christian Scientist, I appreciated your comment about Easter, and yet wanted to let you know – if you wished to chat with someone about your latter remark about attitudes of members, I’d be happy to weigh in 🙂 As with most churches, ours too is home to many different personalities. Yet, if you had any questions or wished to dialague on any particular issue, I’d be happy to chat. Thanks, and I hope you had a blessed Easter.

  3. Blake:

    I think you meant me. I’m John. Thanks for responding.

    One view that I believe that I’ve heard from C. S. lecturers and from other Christian Scientists suggests that if a C. S. child does not accept C. S. treatment, the parent should insist on taking the child to a physician to receive children’s medicine, emphasizing that “we cannot do nothing”. Also, some Christian Scientists that I know tend to shy away from the connection between good food and health. Would a combination of Christian Science practice and a nutritional emphasis be seen as the mixing of material and spiritual elements in healing?

    BTW, I have no doubt that many have been healed in C. S., and am not in accord with UU skeptics on spiritual healing in general.

    I’ll be on the road for a couple of days and might not be on the net until Thurs evening or so. I may have another comment or question later.

    Best wishes,


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