Insert punchline here

The General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association has been looking like a snooze (from afar; I don’t care much about the presidential politics at hand) until Larger Forces came into play:

The UUA’s “Standing on the Side of Love” banner, which has been hanging this week on the glass entry tower to the Salt Palace, the site of the General Assembly, broke loose during an intense thunderstorm Friday evening, shattering several panes of glass . . . .

This is from Chris Walton, reporting officially. Read the rest.

What’s the message here? (Other than big banners need strong rigging.)

In a slightly more serious tone: I don’t care for the “Standing on the side of love” activism branding. It’s precious and high-handed (is everyone else a hater?) and it evokes that dreadful hymn of the same name. Also, when I hear “side of . . . ” I instinctively think “bacon”. (And “SSLove” makes me think “same-sex love” — an unhelpful ambiguity.)

In practical terms, I’m still not sure what the goal of the campaign is, and that’s after reading the companion site. Much too nebulous. What’s next? Overcoming evil and progressively establishing the Kingdom of God? A great idea, but I’d like to see a business plan first.

4 Replies to “Insert punchline here”

  1. Did you notice from Chris Walton’s official reports that there were only 3 new congregations admitted this year? I believe the one in DE has been “emerging” for at least the last 5 years (if not more).

  2. I’m so glad you said what I was thinking about “Standing on the Side of Love.” It’s cutesy and nearly meaningless (love is relative…), but it was worth a try and I have to say, I’m standing on the side of trying.

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