The last couple of weeks have been wearing but, in their own way, energizing and certainly related to a adult world of ideas and action. By contrast, I see little lively or engaging in the world of Unitarian Universalism and the hot huff surrounding Victoria Weinstein’s latest post has been especially dispiriting. Why bother?
So I’m going to take a break from blogging to read more, study more and pray more. And plan more. I may, or may not, return.
I’m also wrapping up The Liberal Christian — it’s been much harder and less productive or useful than anticipated so I’ll put out a contracted issue this week — with a notice here — and a final issue in October which will wrap up loose ends (including an article with Demas on the Bible; I’ve liked where that was going) and make some process observations.
After being a Unitarian Universalist for a quarter century (fifteen to forty) the most I can say is I’m amazed I made it this far.
Amen, brother. Maybe the Boy In the Bands and PB should walk into the sunset together.
Sorry to hear that, your blog was one of the few that I visited regularly using my Netvibes page. I hope you reconsider your decision, and if not, I hope we meet again sometime. Best luck and wishes from sunny-and-a-bit-too-hot Barcelona!
As one who may have dispirited you over the discussion of PeaceBang’s recent post, I hope I have not contributed to your departure. I sincerely hope it is a hiatus rather than a permanent departure. For nearly twenty years I have harkened to your unique voice and vision. Your contributions from the days of the clunky message boards and your enormous work saving and posting Universalist documents have been too numerous to mention.
Pleae return soon. Your blog is now the only daily UU contact I have.
Sorry to hear this as well, i suspect that your blog is the first UU blog I read – and certainly my favorite of all the UU blogs (or all the Universalist blogs).
There is no question that I personally will miss reading your words.
Life and time changes things, so I will not pray that you return to blogging, but I will pray that you find happiness in whatever you do to fulfill the need that blogging used to provide; and of course if that means returning to blogging, then i won’t mind.
May God Bless.
I will miss you, Scott.
But I just started reading you again!
Please take a little hiatus and bring us back new stuff! I have known you 20 years and your core of faith, education, humor and love ahave been a reliable pillar in the midst of a crazy world. I am more of a check-in reader than a daily one, but in times like these, your’s on my daily blog roll.
If you go, I will miss you.
Seems like this blogging community meets needs the UUA does not. Scott, I understand that charity needs to stop at distributing our seed corn, but I hope your larder will soon bring you back among us.
I hope this is just a break. UUism is lucky you have made it this far. I too will miss your voice, and echo what others have said — that yours is one of a very few UU blogs I follow these days.
On a happier note, to my surprise I actually have some hope for UUism. Not that it can change quickly — but the election indicates to me that the self-congratulatory narcissism that has characterized what I’ve known of UUism these last 20 years may at last be eroding.