A couple of years ago, I noted the emerging congregations — that is those founded and developing but not in fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association — resource EmergingUU.org.
I gave it a pass because it was new, and then last year it vanished. It’s has since reappeared and there is some content on it, but little I haven’t seen elsewhere. I mention it because this is the kind of resource we need and I’d like to stoke some interest in it.
EmergingUU.org is sponsored by the Central Midwest District. New congregation development is largely in the hands of the districts now, and the midwestern districts seem to do a bit better job of it than the rest. Or at least until recently when the taps all but dried up. It makes me wonder who’s still in the emerging hopper; I feel a little project coming on.
I wonder if any who particpate in this blog are going to attend the UU GA in Minneapolis next month. I live one block from the convention site, and will only drop in on one or two events. There isn’t enough on schedule to make me want to register.
My apologies, Scott, for moving over one and not exactly responding to what you’ve said, this time.