A change in blogging (wherein I blame the Quakers)

After seven and a half years of blogging, it’s time again to rethink “The Boy in the Bands” — if only in a limited, experimental way. Blog is short for web log; so what of logging my thoughts first on paper, and then letting them ripen a bit before transferring them to the web? (Case in point, I’m transcribing these notes from September 8th.)

Of course, I blame the Quakers. Wednesday, I attended dinner, Bible study, singing, open worship and fellowship with the Capitol Hill Friends, an independent Conservative-leaning worship group across town. For the second time. Not sure what to make of the experience — open worship in particular is quite a challenge for me — but I feel more grounded and faithful coming out of these evenings, and less inclined to grind out a few choice words just to say I got a blog post up. Besides, as other bloggers know, writing this way is quite time consuming and now I would rather read more — including the Bible, and John Murray (rather than John Woolman) — and pray more. And perhaps even sleep more. So even, dear readers, if I’ve not posted any given day, it may be because I developing something more substantial and not because I’m disinterested.

(But a side thought. A logbook can also be a a running log of work, warts and all. And I have some church tech projects in mind, too. So there might be the odd, unripe posting. And some quickly dashed “see here” notes. I make no promises for consistency. And I’m not trading in my bands for a broad-brimmed hat.)

8 Replies to “A change in blogging (wherein I blame the Quakers)”

  1. You say: “…open worship in particular is quite a challenge for me…”

    Silent meeting for worship really opened up for me after I had been going regularly for about a year. I think I both had to get to know the meeting, and had to get to used to silence, although my familiarity with Emerson helped in being receptive to the Spirit. I recall Douglas Steere’s “Dimensions of Prayer” being helpful as well.

    I’m kinda envious that you’re going to meeting, and now I’m feeling all nostalgic for silent worship. Sometimes I think Unitarian Universalists talk too much.

  2. Regarding Unitarian Universalists and talking too much, there are two jokes that address that:

    What’s the difference between a Unitarian Universalist and a Quaker? Quakers sit in silence until the spirit moves them to speak. UU’s keep talking until the spirit moves them to shut up.

    Have you heard about the UU monastery? Everyone there maintains a vow of silence unless you think of something really funny.

  3. Ah, Dan. I come by my troubles with open worship honestly. I attended an unprogrammed meeting in college for about two years and had the same problems then.

  4. @Steve: LOL!
    Is open worship the same as unprogrammed or waiting worship? Don’t you think the Unprogrammed Quakers is a great band name?

  5. If you’re moved to reflect on them, I’d love to read what some of your problems with open worship are.

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