I know I’m not the only “name brand” Universalist Christian who delights in the continuing ministry of the Primitive Baptist Universalists (dubbed such, abbreviated PBU, by Howard Dorgan in his In the Hands of a Happy God).
Welcome PBU Elders Farley and Beavers, who have posted comments at this still-active blog post from 2006.
Thanks for the post and links. I’ve seen PB Churches around Chicago and the ‘burbs but didn’t really know much about them.
As a liberal Baptist (and Congregationalist), I certainly found this interesting — especially what appears to be the group’s basically Barthian take on double predestination (all are condemned; all are elect).
@Bill – PBs broke off from the main Baptist lines in the 1820s (they of course state that the other Baptists broke off from them) due to disagreements on music, missions, tracts, Sunday Schools, etc. PBUs are only in the Appalachian area, and are known from the early 1900s, late 1890s. There were other historical PB Universalists – in both Illinois and eastern NC. and of course other historical Baptist connections with Universalism.