Is it vain to imagine that a scholar some day, for want of historical lacunae, will write/group-think/astrally-project a paper on this blog? If so, our future writer will surely note, “Wells was prone to write ‘more about that later’ even if he didn’t intend to follow up a thought.”
Time to make amends. Either by this blog’s eighth anniversary (May 22) or General Assembly, I will reach 3,000 blog posts. I can’t believe it. So here are some threads I let drop; let’s see what I can pick up. (Some “laters” turned out to be personal; others ephemeral; some I have no idea of what I was intending.)
- Internal transparency in the UUA
- Trays for communion bread in small low-church congregations
- “I don’t have time for self-serving and dysfunctional causes.”
- Interesting liturgical fragment in A Book of Services and Responsive Readings: Used at St. Paul’s Church, Chicago
- What constituted a “a failed visit to a Maundy Thursday service”
- Rental income option for a church
- How the Uniting Church in Australia defines church membership
Pick up the transparency one.
That’s why it’s first on the list. Remember where I work.
I’m sometimes not good on follow-up myself (I promised you some books, didn’t I?) — but I’d like to see you pick up again on your comments regarding the new Congregational (NACCC) hymnal.