Robert Bermie Wetmore

Last report of a Universalist minister dying young, for a while. Also from the 1901 Universalist Register:

Robert Bermie Wetmore, born in Fredonia, N.Y., in 1867, died in Newport, N.Y., February 13, 1900. Graduating from the State Normal School in his native village, he was several years engaged in school teaching. Becoming interested in the varieties of religion brought to his notice, his mind found satisfaction and rest in Universalism, and he entered the Canton Theological School, from which he graduated with the class of 1898, and entered on his work as a Christian minister in charge of the Newport and Middleville, N.Y., churches receiving ordination in the latter, September 21, 1898. He threw himself into his work with great energy,– “even with reckless disregard of his own limitations of health and strength. He literally undertook everything. Besides his large responsibilities in his own churches, he gave himself freely to the calls from without. The result was inevitable” His pastorates were eminently successful.

One Reply to “Robert Bermie Wetmore”

  1. “. . . his mind found satisfaction and rest in Universalism . . . ” Nice turn of phrase; I will remember it.

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