R&E Newsweekly: Expulsion of Iraqi Christians

It’s been a hard week in the news. Central American children in the borderlands. The deaths in Gaza. The Malaysian flight downing. Frightening news — let’s hope not all true — from ISIS/ISIL. You’d be forgiven for being overwhelmed.

But please spare a prayer for the Christian minority of Iraq, and particularly of Mosul
, an ancient community that’s been extirpated. Remember them, as they take refuge, mainly in Iraqi Kurdistan.

This interview on Religion and Ethics Newsweekly is of Syrian Catholic (that is, in union with Rome) Patriarch Ignatius Youssef III Younan.

One Reply to “R&E Newsweekly: Expulsion of Iraqi Christians”

  1. For this reason, I’ve changed my FB profile picture to the Arabic “N” (for Nazarene = Christian) that it has been reported is being marked on the residences of some Iraqi Christians. One can only think of the Star of David being slathered on Jewish homes and businesses by the Nazis. God be with them!

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