All Souls Miami set for UUA admission vote

So, I was reading through the Unitarian Universalist Association Board packet for the June meeting — as one does — and see that All Souls Miami is (alone) scheduled to be voted upon for admission to the UUA.

I’ve never never seen an application go this far and not be accepted, so I’ll offer my confident (if premature) congratulations. I welcome all new members to the UUA of course, but All Souls Miami is special to me because it’s Christian: the first Christian church admitted since Epiphany Church, Fenton, Michigan, joined many years ago and has since disbanded.

So, again, congratulations to All Souls Miami. You can read their application packet here. (PDF)

Also thanks to the formerly emerging Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Austin, Texas, which has dissolved, as reported in the packet.

3 Replies to “All Souls Miami set for UUA admission vote”

  1. Way to go, All Souls Miami. May you be a vessel of inspiration for many people, for many years to come!

  2. Went through their application materials. I noticed that a number of the external references write things to the effect that “This church is not for everyone…” A kind of denominational disclaimer I heard when I was a member of the now defunct Epiphany Community Church. Code for “This one is not in the UUA mainstream”. But if we are honest with ourselves, which congregation (UU or otherwise) is “for everyone”? Every congregation is selective in its own way.

  3. Hallelujah and praise the Lord! Welcome All Souls! It is my prayer that All Souls will continue to be effective witnesses and a beacon of God’s light, love and never failing grace. With the Lord’s help they will do great things with tremendous love in advancing the revolution called the Kingdom of God.

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