I’ve only written one blog post since before General Assembly, and is was of a “what do you think” format. It’s been for a number of reasons:
- There’s been lots of work at work, and sometimes writing this blog seems like added work.
- This is my family’s season for birthday and anniversary celebrations, plus a family wedding this year. That’s more fun that blogging.
I’ve spent the last month “conquering” (their term) the Duolingo Esperanto course. Mi skribas kaj legas Esperante pli bona ol unu monato antaŭ, and the gamified process was quite fun and rewarding. I even got a certificate.
- I didn’t have much to add to the discussion of the vital issues of the day, except that, at some points, I thought that writers were lost in delusional or self-serving arguments. And I decided to keep my own counsel.
- Oh, and I think that Unitarian Universalism has a grim future — as bad or worse as the mainline — and that forward progress is likely to look like a salvage and reconstruction exercise.
So it’s a bit hard to get back into blogging.
Why grim? I’ve been waiting for someone to bite on this. So far, no one has.