The Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Association is in the middle of its October meeting.
No great thought on my part, but I did note that there is a net loss of two congregations, per the Changes in Congregational Status (PDF) report.
The First Universalist Society of Salem (MA) has merged with First Parish in Beverly (MA).
All Souls Church UU (Durham, NC) has dissolved.
Does anyone know how true the musings I’ve heard that All Souls, while not paricularly Christian itself, came out of the aftermath of discussions in the early 1990s to start a Christian church there?
Sobering news in any case, and my best wishes to the parishoners in their new settings. (The All Souls website resolves to the Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship site.)
I know that All Souls Durham had some people in leadership who were African American and self-identified at Universalist Christians. I think I met them along with the Rev. Chester McCall at a GA long ago. But I do not know to what extent the congregation had explicitly Christian roots.
Also sad to hear that First Universalist Salem has merged. A number of very prominent Universalist preachers frequented that pulpit.